science n. 1.科学;科学研究。 2.(一门)科学,学科。 3.自然科学。 4.学;学问;〔古语〕知识。 5.(拳术、马术等的)技术,专门技巧。 6.〔有时作 S-〕信仰疗法,基督教精神疗法〔又称 Christian S-〕。 the pure science 纯理论科学。 the science of history 历史学。 social science 社会科学。 the most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 physical science 自然科学,物理(科)学。 natural science 自然科学。 borderline [boundary] science 边缘科学。 science and learning [scholarship] 自然科学和人文科学;学术;学艺。 the Academy of S- 科学院。 a man of science 科学家。 a bachelor of science 理学士。 a doctor of science 理学博士。 the noble science (of defence) 自卫术,拳术,剑术。
Strategic role of miniaturization in development of chemical sciences 微型化在化学科学发展中的战略地位
Faculty of biological chemical sciences 生物及化学院
In the history of chemical science in europe, arabian influence is of importance because it was through this channel that interest in the science was again introduced to latinized europe 在欧洲化学科学历史中,阿拉伯的影响是很重要的,因为它是通过这种渠道,对科学有兴趣的渠道被再一次传入拉丁化欧洲。
Chemical history is that chemical home is conquered the fight history of world, transform nature and creation invention, have recorded and narrate, the accumulated course of chemical knowledge, have elaborated the development of chemical science to develop the development history of law 化学史是化学家征服世界、改造自然、创造发明的奋斗史,记述了化学知识的累积过程,以及化学科学的发展演变规律的发展史。化学元素发现史、化学发展史、化学家生平、化学教育史、化学思想史、化学认识史。
Nickel and its metal complexes not only have great importance to study of chemical science, but also have comprehensive applications to the field of technique . meanwhile, the extensive interest of spectroscopists and academic chemists has been arosed by high symmetry and particular electronic structure of nickel one-nuclear complexes 镍及其金属配合物不仅对于化学科学研究具有重要意义,而且在技术领域也有着广泛的应用,镍单核类配合物所具有的高对称性和独特的电子结构也引起了光谱学家和理论化学家的广泛兴趣。
The royal society of chemistry ( rsc ) is one of the largest organisations in europe for advancing the chemical sciences . supported by a network of 45, 000 members worldwide and an internationally acclaimed publishing business, its activities include education and training, conferences and science policy, and the promotion of chemical sciences to the public 英国皇家化学学会(royalsocietyofchemistry(rsc))是欧洲其中一个规模最大专为推动化学发展的机构,拥有四万五千名成员,分布世界各地,出版业务备受国际推崇;学会活动繁多,包括教育及培训工作,举行会议及制订科学政策,以及向大众推广化学。
The royal society of chemistry ( rsc ) is one of the largest organisations in europe for advancing the chemical sciences . supported by a network of 45, 000 members worldwide and an internationally acclaimed publishing business, its activities include education and training, conferences and science policy, and the promotion of chemical sciences to the public 英国皇家化学学会(royalsocietyofchemistry(rsc))是欧洲其中一个规模最大专为推动化学发展的机构,拥有四万五千名成员,分布世界各地,出版业务备受国际推崇;学会活动繁多,包括教育及培训工作,举行会议及制订科学政策,以及向大众推广化学。
The affective intercourse between teacher and student in the classroom chemistry teaching means that teacher and student should cherish affection for each other . that is, the teacher should intentionally encourage and affect the students in s positive affectionate manner, to invoke sympathetic responses from the students, so that the students may feel that they are having a positive, stable and deep inner experience of affection for chemical science, that they are having a thrilling experience in the " " most independent, most happy and even perfect state ", that they are investing a deep affection in the chemistry learning, and that they are at their best and more clever, more sensible, more wise, more potent and more fine than ever . only in this way can a teacher achieve the best result of education-to make affection on ability of the students 化学课堂教学中师生情感交流是指教师和学生彼此把自己的感情供给对方,即教师在教学过程中有意识地以积极的情感去教育、激励和感染学生,让学生从中得到肯定的反映,从而达到以培养学生建立一种指向化学科学,稳定的、深刻的、积极的内心体验;使学生对化学的学习由体验产生震撼心灵的感应,让学生处于“最自主、最喜欢、最幸福、最完善”的时刻;使学生以极度关怀的情感倾注于化学学习之中;使学生能处在自己能力发挥的顶峰,使其觉得此时此刻比其它时刻更聪明、更敏感、更有才智、更强有力、甚至于更优美;使情感成为学生的力量、成为学生的一种能力,从而使教学达到极致。